Finding Babysitting Jobs in Montreal, Quebec
Bonjour and hello! As you probably know, finding babysitting jobs in Montreal, Quebec is not always as easy as it sounds. Sure, you can start out with one or two, but eventually, the kids will grow up, or the family will move to another province, and you’ll be left starting from scratch.
But you won’t be alone. is a community of people just like you, who are looking for babysitting jobs all over Montreal, Quebec, and of parents who are seeking to hire babysitters to care for their children. Parents come to us because they know that the babysitters on our site have years of experience, are good with children and come with sterling recommendations. Babysitters come to us because posting a profile is free of charge, and the rate of finding the babysitting job you want is quite high.
While parents are warned about taking safety precautions about the babysitter that they hire, babysitters don’t always hear the same. However, the fact is that when seeking babysitting jobs in Montreal, Quebec, babysitters too have to worry about their own safety. So at, we provide some helpful tips for babysitters to stay safe while interviewing for babysitting jobs.
First, find out as much about the family as possible. This doesn’t just include the children, but the parents as well. While you might find it uncomfortable to ask parents for the phone number of their previous babysitter, there are certain things you can look out for during the interview. Notice if the parents seem hard to please and if they treat with you respect. Even though you will be with the children most of the time, having difficult employers can take away the joy of spending time with children.
Second, make sure that the parents stick with what they wrote on their job description. If the job description offers $12 an hour, but during the interview they offer $10, that can be a sign that you cannot trust them to keep their word
Third, if you babysit late at night, make sure the parents will take care of your travel arrangements back home. Whether that includes driving you back or giving you money for a cab, the parents you work for should be concerned with your safety, and look out for you accordingly.
With these tips in mind, finding a babysitting job in Montreal, Quebec for employers you like should be a breeze. Just remember that it is all made possible by free service for job-seekers all over Montreal!